Monday, May 18, 2009

We'll see how this blogging thing goes..

Trying to figure out this whole blogging thing! I feel like this will make it easier for all of you non-facebookers to see what I'm up to this summer :) 

Because of my recently-discovered love for the Caribbean, I'm going to spend seven weeks of my summer on the island of Saba. It is the smallest island of the Netherlands Antilles - located just south of St. Maarten/St. Martin. 

It has a population of only 1,500 so it ha about 2/5 the population of Chagrin Falls. It is 5 square miles, as opposed to Chagrin which is only 2.1 square miles. Fun fact: the peak of the dormant volcano - Mount Scenery - is the highest point in the Kingdom of the Netherlands! 

I'm going to be working at the Ecolodge which is a super environmentally friendly kind of getaway. I'm will be helping out in both the hotel and the restaurant attached to it. I will take tons of photos when I get there, but here are some that I found on the internet so you can get an idea of what I'll see :) 

Here is a view looking up at one of the cottages that is part of the Ecolodge.

Here is a view of the island from a dive boat :)

Speaking of diving, Saba apparently has some of the most exquisite scuba diving in the world, which I am definitely going to take advantage of while I'm there! 

K that's all for now I think. The next post will be lots of fun photos from when I'm actually there!