I didn’t want to look like a TOTAL tourist walking around, seeing as I’m pretty much a local now, so the photos aren’t elegantly framed. I apologize ;) ALSO, you can click on some of the photos and make them bigger!
The Windwardside branch of the Saba library. I haven’t seen it open yet. And I do check, since reading is my main form of entertainment up at the Ecolodge ;)
The bank and ICS – Island Communication Services. For all of your mailbox services, business services, mailing, international calling, high-speed internet, bookstore, design and print, catalog ordering, DVD rentals, and car rental needs. Yes, on an island this small one place tries to do it all haha
Here is the corner of a street where you can see the Saba Snack Bar and Pamela’s Boutique. The Saba Snack Bar is so random; according to the menu it sells “Mexican Foods, Cookies, Smoothies, Milkshakes, Birthday Cakes, and Patties”… yeah. And then next door at Pamela’s Boutique, in order to show that they carry men’s clothing too they use the ultra-hip abreve “4MEN2”.
This is one of the entrances to Scout’s place. Everyone who works at Scout’s recognizes me now because I come in almost daily to use their wifi. The one waiter brings me a coke as soon as he sees me because that’s what I alwaysss get.
The Post Office – anything I send or is sent here takes a minimum of two weeks. I asked where the mail goes from here, and the guy said it’s first sent to Curacao, and then they usually take their good old time sorting it, and then it eventually makes it to the States haha.
Dad, when you guys arrive, it will be ok. They have ice cream, chocolate sauce, and nutella. Don’t worry.
My favorite: The Saba Island Realty office. In the super market. Yes.
A little bit of where I live/work. I haven’t taken many pictures, sorry!
Pool deck with the Blue Tang cottage in the background.
Yeah, it’s a tough life.
Lone papaya tree with the sky
A little tree frog (about the size of the tip of your thumb) visiting in my bathroom.
Heliconias off of my deck at the Turtle cottage
!!! And this morning I went hiking with my new friend Nora!! She's from the States too, so it's a nice change :) She was shocked that I had so few pics of myself while I've been here, so she insisted on taking pics while we hiked. We went up to the Bottom Mountain. Here are some pics from this morning!
Hahah this donkey is so friendly. He came running out of the bushes when he heard us on the way up, and the same thing on the way down!
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